
People say we have a lot in common.

Although I am immeasurably happy to hear that… I don’t know.

People may say I’m an optimist, that I’m cheerful, enthusiastic, always see the good in life. And I think… Have you met my brother?

People may say I’m social, caring or generous. And I think… Thanks, but let me tell you about my brother.

People may say it’s nice how I have trust and show trust in people. And I’m like, Haha,… wait until you see my brother! (He’s crazy).

People may say that I’m creative, smart or intelligent. And I think good God! You obviously have not met my brother.

People may say I’m scattered, chaotic, naive, a dumb blonde… Come on, you know it, you beat me in all of that.

People may say they admire my environmental and humanitarian commitments, my idealism. And I just think, go take that admiration to my brother!

People may even say I’m good-looking. And then I just think, Ha! I’m never gonna introduce you to my brother!


Where you were, is where I wanted to be.

What you could do, is what I wanted to do.

I’ve always admired you. You were my source of energy.
And now I feel as if I lost a soulmate.

I’ve said it enough. But I’ll say it again.
And again.
And again.
And probably a few more times after that.

I love you.

And I’m happy I took each and every chance I had to remind you.

One thought on “Emma

  1. Chere Emma, C’est avec une immense tristesse que nous appris le deces d’Andreas. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de courage pour surmonter cette terrible epreuve. Une pensee tres affectueuse a toute ta famille et plus particulierement a Ann, mon amie. Je t’embrasse tres fort Emma, ainsi que ton papa, ta maman et ton frere. Marianne.

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